Out of nowhere, we started receiving 500 errors on the front end for any APEX restful api calls : “An unexpected error with the following message occurred: InternalServerException [statusCode=500, reasons=[]]” . This is very odd as we only rebooted service with no other changes. We monitor few URLs to ensure resful api is returning specific string, is string does not match our support receive email and text message alerts.
At the back end ( tomcat catalina.out logs ), we noticed a lot of nasty jdbc and other errors related to restful api calls. At the top of the error block we noticed ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
What we did to resolve this?
1. Stopped tomcat service
2. We removed ords and ords.war from tomcat/webapps directory
3. We ran java -jar ords.war validate , you should view output of validate command to see what changes were done. Usually the output will be stored in a file ords_validate_core_20xx-mm-dd-xxxxx.log
After validate completed, copy ords.war into tomcat/webapps directory and restart tomcat. The issue should be resolved.