We’re pleased to announce two-step verification as an optional extra layer of protection for your Revion.com portal account . Once enabled, logging in will require a six-digit security token in addition to your username and password.[sws_divider_basic]
First step is to download a FREE app for your mobile device, for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use Google Authenticator (recommended) and the Iphone. However, any app that supports the Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) algorithm can be used to generate the security token for you.
Google Authenticator (iPhone/Android/BlackBerry)
Duo Mobile (iPhone/Android)
Amazon AWS MFA (Android)
Authenticator (Windows Phone 7)
Authomator (BlackBerry 10)
Step 2: Login to the Revion.com Customer Portal. You can enable this new feature by clicking on top right corner under “Hello Jonn!”=> Edit Account Details => Security Settings from within the Customer Portal , and then “Enable Two-Factor Authentication”. You’ll be shown your shared secret passphrase and its QR code, which you can scan into your two-factor app. Install one of these apps, scan the QR code shown in the Revion.com Portal, and then use the app to generate a secure token every time you log in. Again, any app that supports the Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) algorithm can be used to generate the security token for you. Please see screens below:
Step 3: Open downloaded Google Authenticator App and tap Begin Step. We recommend to Scan Bar Code as displayed in Customer Portal Page and as per screenshot #3 above. Please follow these screen shots:
Step 4: After you successfully scanned bar code you will receive 6 digit pass code as per screenshot #3 above. These numbers are changed every 60 seconds. Please enter displayed number into Verification Step. See below. You are now all set! You should get successful message and backup key as per below screen shots. If you ever get locked out we can always reset your security settings. You may also disable two-factor security settings by going to clicking on top right corner under “Hello Jonn!”=> Edit Account Details => Security Settings. from within the Customer Portal